Filta receives German Award for Sustainability Projects 2022 in the recycling category

Communiqué de presse, 10/06/2022

Filta receives German Award for Sustainability Projects 2022 in the recycling category

After the award presentation - Patron Brigitte Zypries, former Federal Minister (left), Maja Schneider, Filta (right)

© Image: Filta

In Berlin yesterday, the German Award for Sustainability Projects was presented at a ceremonial gala for the second time. The prize was presented by the German Institute for Service Quality, the news channel ntv and DUP Unternehmer magazine. More than 268 companies either applied or were nominated by third parties.

Under the patronage of former Federal Minister Brigitte Zypries, a prestigious jury from the fields of industry, science and media were spoilt for choice when it came to awarding the outstanding projects submitted by a range of companies, start-ups, agencies and entrepreneurs that had created products, services, campaigns or initiatives.

Filta, the only mobile fryer service and active as a franchise company in Germany since 2015, is among the prize winners, specifically in the recycling category. The focus of the award is on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations in the areas of people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. Decisive for the excellent outcome for Filta were criteria like societal benefit, degree of innovation, contribution to sustainability as well as future viability and service quality.

Latest generation of grease recovery units wins

With its mobile fryer and oil services including fryer cleaning and the microfiltration of frying oil, Filta provides a greater level of sustainability in commercial kitchens. Thanks to Filta, food service professionals can reduce their consumption of frying oil by up to 50%. From the standpoint of the jury however, it was the new grease recovery unit – the FiltaFOG Cyclone – that stood out, an innovation that has been available on the German market for a year now. The FiltaFOG Cyclone was developed by Filta specialists out in the field and solves many of the problems of conventional grease separators. It is easy for kitchen staff to use and its unique construction, with eight hydrocyclones, offers the highest grease recovery rate worldwide. Grease separation is about stopping fat, oil and food residues entering the wastewater and clogging pipes and the drain system. In Germany, all businesses that produce water containing grease must use a grease separator. These include canteens, restaurants, hotels, motorway service areas, butcher shops as well as food industry companies.

“We are very honoured that our grease separator solution and the FiltaFOG Cyclone has received this special prize”, said Jos van Aalst, Managing Director of Filta Deutschland. “Keeping waste water as free from fat and residue as possible is a major issue for the food service industry as well as for local water authorities. The oil separated by FiltaFOG is qualitatively so good, that is can be reprocessed into biodiesel, representing another stream of income for the restaurateur.”

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À propos de Filta

Le Full Service mobile de Filta pour les friteuses a été créé en Grande-Bretagne en 1996 et fonctionne sur le principe de la franchise. Depuis, il est implanté dans de nombreux pays à travers le monde, y compris en France depuis 2021 avec FiltaFry France. Le concept comprend la filtration et le nettoyage de l'huile alimentaire ainsi que le nettoyage des friteuses sur place, y compris la collecte et l'élimination de l'huile usagée dans les règles de l’art. Filta peut livrer de l'huile neuve sur demande et remplir les friteuses. Filta propose aussi d’autres services, dont la réalisation directement sur site de joints de réfrigérateur, le nettoyage des canalisations sans produits chimiques, ainsi que des solutions de pointe dans le domaine de la séparation des graisses et du nettoyage permanent des systèmes d'extraction. Ses clients sont des restaurants et des snack-bars, des hôtels, des traiteurs, des complexes sportifs, des parcs de loisirs, des cafétérias, des cantines et bien d'autres encore.


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Maja Schneider

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